ロンドン芸術大学でイラストレーションとグラフィックデザインを学んでいた際に日本語の週1回の授業を受けたことをきっかけに日本語学習に没頭し、オックスフォード大学で日本語と韓国語を専攻。法曹資格を取得し、Magic Circleの規制部門で弁護士として活動した後、SOASで翻訳学の修士号を取得。『Pragmatics in Korean and Japanese Translation』の共著者であり、梶尾真治の短編小説「殻男」を英訳し、Kurodahan Pressから出版された。翻訳において、訳者の手跡を明らかにする言語的特徴やスタイロメトリーの応用に特に関心を寄せる。余暇には版画制作を楽しむ。
Ben read Japanese with Korean at the University of Oxford, inspired by a weekly Japanese class he took during his illustration and graphic design course at the University of the Arts London. After a detour through law school and a stint as a regulatory lawyer at a Magic Circle firm, he earned a Masters in Translation at SOAS. Ben is co-author of Pragmatics in Korean and Japanese Translation and dipped his toe into literary translation with Shinji Kajio’s The Husk Heir for Kurodahan Press. He is particularly interested in the linguistic features that reveal a translator’s hand and the application of stylometry to translation studies. In his free time, Ben enjoys relief printing.