東京芸術大学「TMOP 2020 (Tokyo University of the Arts⇄ Mekong Online Platform 2020)」(翻訳)

TMOP 2020 (Tokyo University of the Arts⇄ Mekong Online Platform 2020)(translation)

2017.7 〜

東京都写真美術館「ダヤニータ・シン:インドの大きな家の美術館」展 関連イベント:畠山直哉講演会

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum "Dayanita Singh, Museum Bhavan" Event — Lecture by Naoya Hatakeyama (Whispering. Consecutive Interpretation)

2017.5 〜


Chiyuki Sakagami "Scripture of the Birds" (MEM) (Essay Translation)


Bulletin of the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
(Translation Coordination, Translation, Editing, Transcription)

2017.2 〜

The Wheeler Centre Gala 2017: Stories for the Dead

The Wheeler Centre Gala 2017: Stories for the Dead (Speaking)